A horrible comic that takes place in the Maestro/Future Imperfect universe. I often don’t write about/tag stuff that isn’t canon, but given that this universe is used several times in the future, and it crosses with 616 several times, I’m doing a quick hit on it.
Abomination hears that Maestro is still alive and huts him, using Betty 6, Maestro’s daughter, as bait. She ends the series as an ally of Maestro–here she is in her silver armor glory, posing with Abomination.

The duo Roust and Joust are introduced. Abomination has a gang called “The Abominations”, and they’re in it.

They become players in the X-Man comic later on.
I’m not tagging the rest of Abomination’s crew. They either don’t appear again or don’t matter when they do.