Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill #1-6 (2005)

This is a Beta Ray Bill space origin. It starts with Surtur destroying the home galaxy of the Korbinites–Beta Rill Bill’s race–and the survivors creating a robot called Alpha Ray.

But Alpha was unstable and had to be hidden away, to make way for Beta Ray Bill. Bill goes through a series of tests and becomes the sworn protector of New Korbin.

However, Bill is away when Galactus returns, and therefore the Korbinites respawn Alpha Ray to protect them. Bill returns but a faction of Korbinites don’t trust him, so during the battle against Galactus they order Alpha to attack Beta. So distracted, Galactus destroyed Korbinite for the second time.

Galactus’ herald, another new character named Stardust, then goes after the few surviving Korbinites. I will say, Galactus doesn’t usually make ethnic cleansing a priority–he just wants to eat the planet, and holds no personal grudge against its inhabitants.

After that, a buxom demon named Asteroth is unleashed and all three characters must team up to fight it, with Bill eventually destroying her. From there, it’s a little mystical and silly for the issue #6 wrap up, which features Spider-Man in a minor guest shot. He’s on the cover though.

If you wanted to know more about Beta Ray Bill and see him get his own adventure, this is for you. It’s not bad, but it’s not great.

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