She-Hulk #7-8 (2004): Universal Laws

In his longest story so far, Dan Slott’s She-Hulk is selected to be a member of an intergalactic “star chamber” run by the Living Tribunal. Naturally, that’s a big opportunity for a litigator. The Magistrati–agents of the Living Tribunal–appear while She-Hulk is arguing with her boss about whether she has to babysit Southpaw (the young character introduced in the last story). When the Magistrati take her to outer space, Southpaw comes along.

Meanwhile, the Champion of the Universe is fighting people again. He beats up
Beta Ray Bill, Gladiator, and Adam Worlock–among others.

After adjudicating a few cases for Living Tribunal’s tribunal involving an invasion of privacy case brought against some Watchers, she’s sent to box Champion herself–for reasons that are perfectly clear in story but too detailed to repeat here.

She’s able to win because it turns out Champion relies on a Gem of Power and reliance on items is forbidden in the ring.

Another fun and genuinely funny story. It’s great that Shulk wins by figuring out the rules and enforcing them, instead of via brute strength. Dan Slott is really turning her into a wonderful character. Great stuff, all the way down the random Forbush Man appearance on the cover!

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