Marvel Knights Captain America #29-32 (2004): Disassembled; Series ends

Robert Kirkman writes the final arc for this series, which is a disassembled tie in. Cap fights Mister Hyde, Red Skull, and the Serpent Society, all in one story.

It starts with Steve and Diamondback rekindling their old relationship. They go to a Mets game together (note the Mr. Mets cameo), where Batroc shows up and gets a beat-down.

But Red Skull has turned Diamondback into a sleeper agent (or so the Red Skull thinks) with the help of a rogue SHIELD agent.

The duo gets captured by the Serpent Society and are to be auctioned off, but they escape and take down the baddies. While Cap and Diamondback are kicking the asses of the Serpent Society, a bunch of villains are waiting for the hero to be auctioned off, upstairs.

“All this waiting is giving me a headache.” Best line of this story!

Red Skull, furious that his mind-controlled Diamondback didn’t even up working for him, kills her.

But the big twist is that she was an LMD that believed she was a living woman. Even bigger twist: Although Cap didn’t know she was a fake, he did rekindle his love for her.

At the end of this series, he asks out the real Diamondback.

Captain America seems to be becoming a ladies man these days! He just had a romance with Scarlet Witch in the main Disassembled arc, and now this!

The volume ends, then, with Cap back together with Diamondback–and he’s actually smiling! This is not at all related to Avengers: Disassembled and, in this case, that’s good. It’s a solid, fun story with lots of fan-favorite characters.

Next: A new volume, a new #1, and the amazing run by Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting!

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