Inhumans #1-3 (2003)

This first arc of the latest Inhumans series sets up the premise with some kind of game involving a ball…

We’re introduced to a “kid” Inhuman named San, prior to being exposed to the Terrigen mists—and consequently without powers.  He goes through the exposure ritual and gets powers…

San is the main character of issue #1 (who doesn’t make any appearances after this series), who wants the mists to make him big and strong but instead he gets weaker and has the power to create artistic visions.

Issue #2 is narrated by Tonaja…

She is called by Medusa to serve as “exchange students” to Earth, along with San.  Also summoned are Nahrees, Alaris and Jolen…

Jolen and Tonaja, in particular, are not keen on going.  Tonaja is dating another inhuman named Dewoz, and doesn’t want to leave him.

Alaris has become super-strong from the mists, which creates a rift between him and San (who is a bit of a whiner).

Jolen is introduced as a bit of a hothead, and as Nahrees’ former boyfriend.  Nahrees is described as cold…

…and she has electrical powers. 

That’s essentially the first arc.  The pacing is a little slow, but that’s because McKeever is trying to make this a character-driven story rather than one with a breakneck plot or a “the fate of the world hangs in the balance” story.  The art is good and the writing is solid.  I’m definitely up for giving this book a chance to impress me.

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