A new vigilante antihero is introduced. He’s a signmaker who somehow got some scrabble tile weapons.

If he wants to knock you out, he throws the letters S-L-E-E-P at you. Stuff like that.
There’s also aliens and a giant spider-monster, which Typeface helps Spider-Man defeat. The aliens made the monster by extracting Spider-Man’s DNA.
This is an extremely bizarre story. It reads like some of the very old, wacky Stan Lee scripts. But I guess if editorial is going to mandate that every Marvel hero get visited by aliens in support of the Maximum Security event, this story kind of makes sense.
Anyway, fun read if you turn your brain off.
I love Typeface. He’s like one of the latter Ditko villains like Molten Man and Looter. Offbeat.
He’s the best! I love Spellcheck, too, who arrives in an issue of Tangled Web.