Bundling another bunch of issues. If you like kung fu stories, you’ll probably like them. It’s not until #10 that something important happens.
The idea of the comic stories here is to provide a space for all Marvel’s karate guys. And technically, Daredevil is one of them. He appears in a Sons of the Tiger story in #8, but only as his Matt Murdock alter-ego.

Now, on to issue #10, where Iron Fist takes over. the entire magazine We get a retelling of his origin with added details and slight changes. In other tellings, Fist’s dad is an explorer whose ego leads to his demise but here…

…He’s killed by another member of the expedition.
We also get the first appearance of Lei Kung–the Steel Serpent.

In the story, he has a big battle with Fist where Danny uses a “delayed death blow,” so we are to assume Lei Kung dies after the story ends.