10.  Arthur Adams:

9.  Frank Quietly:

8.  Jack Kirby:

7.  Bill Sienkiewicz (I know, he was New Mutants, but close enough and his art was tremendous):

6.  John Romita, Jr.:

5.  Dave Cockrum:

4.  John Cassaday:

3.  Paul Smith:

2.  Neal Adams:

1.  John Byrne (and the greatest comic book cover of all time):

4 thoughts on “THE TOP 10 X-MEN ARTISTS”

  1. Sienkiewicz tremendous? Chicken scratch. No contrast everything‘s undefined and sloppy. Romita Jr. is way overrated. I don’t even see how you can look at those pictures and say that they’re better than Arthur Adams. Paul Smith was good but not so good to take that spot in this list. There are two artist that should replace Sienkiewicz and Romita Jr. They are Chris Bachalo and Michael Golden. The latter would have been one of the all time greatest artists in the business if he had he not walked away from it all.


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