Deathlok and Punisher meet in a story called “similar machines.” The tale takes great pains to show the parallels between the characters, starting with Deathlok spying on his own child–who he can no longer see because he is believed to be dead and is being hunted by his evil corporate overlords–and reminding us that Punisher, too, lost his family.
See how he’s wearing a trenchcoat disguise? Love that so much, it’s got a tag, below.
Deathlok’s son is tricked into participating in an illegal exchange of guns, and Deathlok protects and saves him–with Punisher’s help (after they fight first, of course). In the end, Deathlok’s son wonders why the cyborg protected him throughout the story–thus beginning the subplot of the two reuniting.
Of course at the end of the story, Collins can’t bring himself to disclose his identity to his son, and lets Punisher take him home.
How sad!
This is another strong entry in a book I expected to be pretty bad. Very nice surprise.