Truer words than these have rarely been spoken:
I don’t hate Tom DeFalco, I just think he’s kinda bland–especially on Fantastic Four. All of these issues are loose tie-ins to the ongoing Infinity War event, and none of them matter either to that tremendously successful and influential miniseries or to the future of the FF.
A lot more happens than just the unimaginative take on Thanos as a dude who plays with action figures…
…It’s just hard to care about it. Like Reed fights his own doppleganger…
…And explains his powers a bit…
Guest appearances by just about everyone. It’s like a Shriner’s Convention!
See what I mean?
Johnny ogles the gals…
Speedball stops another Thing/Hulk fight.
It’s a real hodgepodge. Even Aron the Watcher appears.
Then Alicia gets kidnapped…
…And they go off to space to save her.
And Sue becomes Malice again…
…thanks to Thanos’ influence.
But in the end, we’re back to where we started.