Valkyrie is feeling excessively introspective (you know, about the whole “I stole this body and life from Barbara Norris” thing) so she wanders the slums and saves a baby from a rat (that looks a lot like a cat).
She takes the child and her mother, Elena, back to Dr. Strange’s house (where Val is living). Once she’s out, the Sons of the Serpent blow up the house Elena had been living in, spouting nationalistic white-pride slogans.
Which is odd, because Elena and her baby are white. Oh, well.
Yes, the Serpents and The Defenders both have something in common: They will brook no slumlords.
Anyway, when both the groups are together in the same neighborhood, it’s a street-level battle of Defenders vs. Sons.
This is also odd, because a team with Strange, Hulk, and Valkyrie have way too much power for a street fight. Chalk it up to Nighthawk being on the team, I guess.
Yellowjacket joins the battle. He’s a waste of space. Not only does he get shot, but later he twists his ankle. This guy was an Avenger???
The Sons actually beat the team and kidnap them (except Hulk, who is too heavy for them to lift).
This is dumb. Seriously. There’s no way a third-rate Hydra wannabe group could take down The Defenders. And if they could, they probably could figure out a way to lift him.
Anyway, Hulk and Clea get Daimon Hellstrom, Daredevil, and Luke Cage to help them rescue the team.
And even this group is failing until nonpowered Jack Norriss (Barbara Norriss’ husband) arrives and saves the day.
I love Steve Gerber, but there are some basic elements of this story that are ridiculous. I wish he’d given the Sons some kind of special power so it was more believable.
But because it’s Steve, we get a self-indulgent full half-page of text and, towards the end of the arc, the first appearance of one of Steve’s fan-favorite creations…
Elf with a gun!
Also because it’s Steve, there’s some moralizing about money…
In spite of all of your reservations set forth here in reference to the Defender’s impotence in dealing with the Sons of the Serpents, I, nevertheless, believe that this one particular storyline was the late, great Steve Gerber’s masterpiece. His career statement piece. He tackled, head-on, an issue that is threatening, today, heavy into the 21st Century, to erupt this country into a second Civil War: RACE. The above scene between Nighthawk and “Pennysworth” ( haw-haw-haw ) simply could not be published in any above-ground comic-book today, because our nation is, currently and unfortunately, a tinder-box of racial volatility. As of this point in time, the situation is NOT getting better, and, frankly, I fear that it is going to get a lot worse. There are forces at work on both sides of the racial divide that are working night-and-day to bring about another Civil War. I will not identify them by name, ( I don’t need any libel suits ) but that should not be necessary, as we all know who they are, anyway. Marvel Comic’s “Sons of the Serpents” organization is a sufficient analog to these various real-life hate groups. I also would not underestimate the effectiveness of any organization such as the ‘Sons of the Serpent’ to do some serious damage to a confederacy even as powerful as the Defenders. Dr. Strange , the Valkyrie, Hellstorm, Power Man, and even the Incredible Hulk are all very powerful beings, but, ultimately, at the end of the day, ( or, rather, more accurately, at the beginning of the day ) they all pull their pants ( or tights ) on, one leg at a time, just like the rest of us! They are human, ( or superhuman ) they are fallible, and an organization as obviously well-organized and financed ( SHAME on you, Nighthawk!! ) could definitely do some serious damage to an outfit even as powerful as the Defenders! ( but not if the Silver Surfer were still around!! ) Any overview of warfare throughout history bears out that the victories generally go to the side with the superior numbers, and the greatest organization! Thankfully, our heroes were able to triumph over these scum, in spite of said scum having both of these two above advantages in their favor! Nevertheless, it was CLOSE. At one point, the Serpents had our heroes AT THEIR COMPLETE TOTAL MERCY. ( issue#24 ) So: Hate groups, vile as they are,are also NOT to be underestimated! Nice job, Mister Gerber!