A Wisconsin youth named Greg Willis who idolizes Spider-Man is sucked into another dimension while yachting on a lake, and returns to Earth with the power to control gravity. He makes a costume and decides to go to the big city to become a superhero.
While meeting his NYU Student Advisor for the first time, Rage is knocked through the wall by Black Death (a new character)–so Greg runs into a nearby closet and changes into his Gravity identity.
Sadly, he assumes Rage is the villain and not Black Death (is he perhaps a little racially challenged?)
All that is in the first 10 pages of the first issue. From there, it’s a balance of Greg learning how to be a superhero, learning how to live in the big city, making friends and arch-enemies, etc. Like Rhino.
Black Death ends up being his big bad…
…Spider-Man watches the big final battle and congratulates Gravity on becoming a hero.
Spidey’s welcoming of Gravity is in stark contrast to Captain America and Iron Man being total dicks to the Young Avengers, and both of these new titles are under the Marvel Next banner.
It’s a light book, intending to be funny (and landing the jokes more often than not), chock full of guest stars.
Note: The cover to #2 is excellent.