Solo Avengers #10 (1988): Hawkeye, Dr. Druid; Magneto/Magda parentage of Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver explained

Two done-in-one stories in one issue. 

The first is Hawkeye taking down some criminals at a convention.  This is funny:

They know he’s there and don’t care because he’s so lame.

The story confirms that Hawkeye is 80% deaf. It’s important to the plot because he jumps through a blaring, super-large speaker to take down one of the criminals.

Also: A fun typo. One hood says he is wearing gloves, but obviously nobody told the colorist that.

The second is Dr. Druid taking down some mystical criminals in the New York City subway tunnels, where there is a Stonehenge made out of train cars.  The first is boring, the second is stupid.  But I really didn’t need to tell you the second story was stupid because I already told you it starred Dr. Druid.

There’s really no reason for this comic to exist, until you get to the letters page.

Editor and continuity nerd Mark Gruenwald explains some early retcons of the histories of Hulk and Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch.

Since this is canonical information, I’m including those characters in the tags to this post.

Hawkeye: Tom DeFalco, Mark Bright. 
Druid: D.G. Chichester and Margaret Clark (script), Lee Weeks (art).  Bad as it is, it is a little cool to see some early Lee Weeks work.

1 thought on “

Solo Avengers #10 (1988): Hawkeye, Dr. Druid; Magneto/Magda parentage of Scarlet Witch/Quicksilver explained”

  1. Dr. Druid sucked on dry ice! A fifth-rate Dr. Strange, at best, and we’ve SEEN how far ( or not ) Dr. Strange has come in fifty-nine years! I understand that the catchword at the Big Two these days is “inclusivity”, but, really- a fat, pot-bellied old middle-aged bald guy in red stockings??? What’s next, talking ducks-??? I’m glad he’s dead, for however long that lasts!


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