MOON KNIGHT #25 (1982): 1st Black Spectre

A double-sized issue featuring the first appearance of Black Spectre, a Mayoral candidate who is basically a negative-polarity Moon Knight with a much more violent streak.  As you can see, this allows Bill Sienkiewicz to use a lot of black ink and play with that kind of deep contrast.  So, as usual, it’s an artistically wonderful issue. No wonder they promoted it with a special house ad.

It’s also really interesting to see a “villain” who is running for mayor.

But has a secret life as a black-jacketed gladiator.

Albeit one that looks badass AF.

He draws blood on Moon Knight.

Marc doesn’t take it well.

His obsession causes interference in his love life.

The doubt is not just in Marlene.

I do like how he has such an extreme reaction to being beaten up–it feels very human. It also leads him to expose the mayoral candidate’s secret–to fight using his brain, not just his fists.

And a final battle, where Moon Knight again takes a beating.

But of course, he wins.

It’s an oversized issue, allowing for a fully decompressed story.  Very well done, and in the end Carson Knowles (Black Spectre) is sent to jail.

And Marlene and Marc make up.

I don’t know if this page, below, should remind me of Frank Miller, who had many similar kinds of pages, or if Miller should remind me of Bill Sienkiewicz.  


Their styles developed together.  But I love the way the lettering is part of the story, and the panelwork feels so organic.  Brilliant.

At the back of this comic, Bill offers “A Tale of Three Covers…” It’s pretty cool.

3 thoughts on “MOON KNIGHT #25 (1982): 1st Black Spectre”

  1. Moon Knight sucks! He’s nothing but a fifth-rate Batman- I don’t understand why DC didn’t sue for copyright infringement. A corrupt mayoral candidate sounds like a ‘Batman’ storyline if I’ve ever heard one. Is there nothing new under the Sun???

    • Ha! Fair enough. But I think Moon Knight’s origin, his past life as a soldier for hire, and his mental illness and his strong supporting cast distinguish him mightily.


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