After their adventure in the Savage Land, the team goes to Africa to meet Storm for the “first” (chronologically) time.

They get kidnapped and tied up by a bad guy.

His name is Deluge but don’t worry. He won’t be on the test. He’s never seen again because he gets “obliterated.”

He steals Storm’s powers–he can absorb people’s powers.

The team beats him because they have so much power he can’t absorb it all.

As he did with the first arc of this series, Byrne teases the next story on the last few pages.

It will feature the Fantastic Four.

1 thought on “X-MEN: THE HIDDEN YEARS #6-7 (2000)”

  1. As Marvel Comics go, Byrne’s entire “X-Men: The Hidden Years” series rates nothing less than a “B+”. X-celsior!!


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